Get Involved - Stan Rogers Folk Festival - Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada

There are a number of ways that you can join the Stanfest team:


How does a small remote community like Canso deliver one of the region’s largest festivals? Volunteers is the answer, 600 of them. Our event rolls like clock work, thanks to over 30 crews, led by capable and experienced crew heads, many with 20+ years experience with their crews. Our sales pitch is simple.

  • You learn, show your talents, make new friends and become part of a very incredible annual accomplishment, both for the community and the region.
  • You get to enjoy the festival from the inside out. Volunteers commit to working 12 hours over the 4 day festival, and get a pass that allows them to attend the weekend (Friday to Sunday). Basically you work for 1/3 and join the audience for 2/3.

Want to learn more? Visit our volunteer page.

Become a Sponsor

Stanfest offers corporate partners an opportunity to interact with up to 10,000 daily attendees over the 4-day period. No other event in Northeastern Nova Scotia delivers an audience this size. Rather than a casual pedestrian pass-by, the festival provides an opportunity for repeat exposures to your brand an an opportunity to create a relationship. We have many partnership opportunities and would love to speak with you today. For more information, read more here.